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Where is SAB Biotherapeutics’ corporate headquarters?
SAB is headquartered at 2100 East 54th Street North in Sioux Falls, SD 57104.
When was the company founded?
SAB was founded in 2014.
When did SAB go public?
SAB completed its business combination with Big Cypress Acquisition Corp, a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), on October 22, 2021, and started trading on the Nasdaq on October 25, 2021.
When is SAB’s fiscal year-end?
The Company’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
How is SAB’s stock traded?
SAB is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol SABS and its CUSIP number is 78397T103.
Who is SAB’s transfer agent?
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust
1 State Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10004-1561
+1 212-509-4000
Who is SAB’s legal counsel?
Dentons US LLP
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020-1089
Who is SAB’s independent auditors?

111 Wood Avenue South
Iselin, NJ 08830-2700

Where can I view SAB’s corporate news releases?
SAB’s press release archives can be viewed here.
Where can I view documents that SAB has filed with the SEC?
SAB’s SEC filings can be viewed here.
Whom should I contact if I have further questions?
You may submit queries to SAB’s investor relations department by contacting